Webinar: Nurturing and inspiring reading and creativity using graphic novels and manga now online

by | Dec 5, 2022 | collections, manga, webinar | 0 comments

This is an image of the poster for the webinar. It reads: Webinar. ALIA Graphic. Nurturing and inspiring reading and creativity using graphic novels and manga.

Wednesday, last week, we gathered for our second ALIA Graphic webinar and we want to thank our awesome four speakers and everyone else that was able to meet us live.

We are excited we had four amazing speakers to talk about all things comics and manga. In this webinar we focused on Junior and YA comics as well as manga and explored how they inspire reading and creativity. The four awesome speakers were:

Gabby Cundy, librarian specialising in Children’s and Youth literature and comics. Elizabeth Marruffo and Campbell Whyte, comic book creators, artists and directors of Milktooth Arts Space, where they nurture and inspire kids to make art, including comics. Jillian Rudes, librarian and creator of the wildly successful and amazing Manga in Libraries webinar series which, you can find, together with many other resources, on her website here. The Manga in Libraries book is coming out early 2023. 

If you could not attend the event live, and in the spirit of the group of always making our resources freely available to everyone, we are now publishing the webinar in full. You can watch the YouTube video below, or if you prefer to just listen we have also published an audio only version on our podcast feed

Let us know what you think of the webinar and we would love to hear any ideas you may have for a webinar next year.


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