Getting Graphic Comics Around the World Webinar

by | Oct 15, 2021 | professional development, webinar | 0 comments

We want to thank our speakers at yesterday’s webinar. It was our first live webinar and it went really well. Thank you, also, to all the participants for all their comments and all the sharing in the chat. 

We look forward to more webinars next year and if you have any topics or ideas for webinars and things that should be covered, let us know through Facebook, Twitter, or email.

Here’s the promised recording of the webinar, which can be found on our YouTube channel if you’d like to subscribe to it. If you prefer an audio only podcast version of the recording you can access it here.

To download a couple of documents with links for resources/websites that were shared by our speakers and participants follow this link to our Google Drive. You can also find out more about Graphic Medicine here.


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